In times like this, research tells us that it’s good to stick to routines to keep up your health & mental health. That’s easier said than done when you work from home, we hear you. With the situation changing daily, the kids might even be around and distract you soon too. Let’s be honest – we can always find excuses.
We’re here to help you to get into a good rhythm and keep a positive attitude over the coming weeks.
When you work from home, there are many ways to stay fit and healthy. Our mission is to help & nourish your soul with ideas, tips and tricks to make the most out of it.
In our community of members and fu/nis followers, we have so many amazing and inspiring people which we’ll bring to you for this online on Facebook & Instagram.
Let’s start today with the basics. Your daily schedule and plan!
How do you plan your day when being homebound? Actually – not so different as if you’d go out. It’s still important to eat, shower, take time for yourself and so on., don’t you agree.
So, here’s a plan that Denita has put together for you as a blueprint to make it your own.
- 06:00: Wake up!
> Good morning, team!
- 06:15 – 06:45: Morning activity
> Walk / Exercise / Stretch with your online fu/nis trainer
- 06:45 – 07:30: Get Ready!
> Have your breakfast & get ready for your day
- 07:30 – 11:30: Work time
> Dig into those big projects and get stuff done!
- 11:30 – 12:00: Creative Time
> Do something that stimulates that right brain! Have you tried the adult colouring books?
- 12:00 – 12:30: Lunch
> Feed your immune system with some nourishing food!
- 12:30 – 13:00: Chores
> Any chores? Laundry doesn’t stop unfortunately
- 13:00 – 13:30: Refresh & Reset
> Put your phone & work stuff away. Take three deep breaths or meditate. Stopping for a few minutes instead of buzzing around the whole time helps you to be more productive afterwards. Test it for yourself.
- 13:30 – 17:30: Work time
>Work away again on emails and smaller projects.
- 17:30 – 18:00: Fresh Air
> Explore your garden or the park. Get some evening sun or exercise!
- 18:00 – 19:00: Dinner
> Have a good, satisfying dinner. Here are some ideas on what to eat after you exercised.
- 20:00 – 21:30: Soul time
> This is paramount the coming weeks. Spend time with loved ones. Do something that makes you smile & fills your heart.
- Afterwards: have a good night’s rest! See you tomorrow.
How to adhere to a schedule like this? Set yourself time blocks in your calendar or reminder on your phone for example.
We are looking forward to getting through this with you!