Why choose fu/nis EMS Training in times of social distancing

We know Covid, Delta, Omicron rattled all of us. We’ve been in lockdowns for far too long and are happy to get back to some sort of normality these days. But being a close-contact is not fun and puts us at risk, health & business related. 

Being a boutique studio brand, we can provide a controlled space for you to train safely with us. No crowds, no shared weights, we’re simply not a busy space and there’s less to worry for you about compared to a gym in stressful times like these.EMS training studios a safe choice in times of social distancing covid-19

We comply with the safety measures required to be able to operate in Delta Level 2.

Here’s a little overview of why fu/nis EMS training is your go-to workout in times of social distancing. 

  • Safe and controlled environment:

Our fu/nis EMS training studios in Auckland CBD and Takapuna, North Shore offer a safe environment due to us being a small and intimate boutique gym studio. You’ll never work out with more than one person at the same time!

We’ve made slight changes to our City studio, so that we now have  2meters between our two workout spaces.  In our Takapuna studio, the interior is very spacious, therefore allowing us to spread you out beyond 2 metres. In addition we have transparent partitions between you and your Trainingspartner, if you’re not from the same bubble. All of that means, you will NOT be a close contact even if the person next to you has been positive. 

Due to our unique EMS training approach which mainly focuses on bodyweight exercises, we don’t use a lot of equipment. This makes it easy to disinfect everything in between sessions so you can train without fear of contamination.

  • Reduced risk of spread:

Our 20min EMS training sessions usually keep your cardiovascular load to a minimum. No heavy breathing means less aerosol exposure and droplets. And with enough distance and protection in place, we keep you safe.

  • Contact tracing:

We work by appointments only and take Covid-19 seriously.  We’ve installed additional QR code scanning options across the studio entrance and we have a clear contract tracing approach in place by way of our diary booking system. We know exactly who was in the studio at what time.

  • Hygiene & Disinfection

Our highest priority has always been providing you with a safe and hygienic workout space.  All the equipment we use by Miha Bodytec, is certified as antimicrobial and every piece of equipment is disinfected in between sessions.  In addition, we have a strict hygiene routine where each workout area is disinfected before and after each session, making us compliant with government regulations. Our priority – to ensure that each person walking through our doors is safe whilst with us.

  • Time Efficiency – means less time at one place

Let’s not forget, due to our sessions only being 20mins this is probably the most efficient workout you can get with the least exposure to anyone outside your bubble.  And yet, you don’t sacrifice on effectiveness, as those 20mins are as effective as 90min in the gym.

  • Physical exercise strengthens your wellbeing

EMS-Training strengthens not only your muscles and your immune system, but your mental wellbeing will benefit too! As a result, you will actively reduce the risk of illness naturally – regardless of age and fitness level.


Let’s re-start working on your fitness & health goals together this spring.
// Check our latest deals to try EMS training! THIS WAY…