In health and fitness, everyone has the potential to become an athlete. Instead of going to the gym, people are now ‘training’ with the sort of scientific precision of a professional athlete. Both professional and amateur sportspeople are constantly searching for the fastest yet most effective method of training to improve their strength, speed, power, endurance and agility. Therefore it is no surprise the likes of Usain Bolt (the world’s fastest sprinter), Roger Federer (professional tennis player) and the Bayern Munich team (professional football players) have turned to EMS training to help bring them to the top of their game.
Almost every athlete has at least one muscle group that is not functioning properly. Many cannot fire certain muscle groups without undergoing some teaching or activation. Simply put, muscle activation is waking up your muscles by connecting your brain to your muscles and gets them fired up, ready to do some work. This is not always possible however, but by using EMS, an athlete can contract a muscle group more completely and cleanly than by lifting weights alone. EMS directly targets the neural structures of muscles, even those that have become inactive. As a result, more muscle recruitment occurs and athletes are able to accomplish an increase in contractile strength, speed, power, endurance and agility in their respective sports. Thereby, if we rely solely on voluntary strength training to prepare our athletes, we are selling them short.
Often the little things are the deciding factor in winning at world championships or at the Olympics. This is why many athletes take the opportunity to use EMS training to bring them into top form. EMS can be integrated into a training plan at any stage of preparation for competitions. As a result it makes it possible to achieve maximum training success in the shortest time.
Here at fu/nis our highly skilled personal trainers will develop a tailor made programme targeted to the particular needs of your sport and your goals, to achieve the result you want in less time than you thought possible. The same movements and processes trained as those in sports can be used during EMS training making it a useful tool in order to give a decisive advantage at any level of athleticism.